Cast & Crew
Alberto Marini
head of development
No upcoming appearances
Jean-Luc Reichmann
Chat-man, le Berger des chats
No upcoming appearances
Juan Diaz Canales
layout artist: Tridente Animación
No upcoming appearances
Juanjo Guarnido
animator: Ricochets Productions
No upcoming appearances
Miki Montlló
background artist
No upcoming appearances
Margny-Compiègne Geek Convention
Le Tigre Rue Jean Mermoz MargnylèsCompiègne France
Margny-Compiègne Geek Convention
24 - 25 May, 2025
View full guest list
Note: All appearances are determined by automated algorithms. Double-check appearances and convention details with the convention website to ensure you have the most accurate information.
If you're unable to find a person or media, then sadly there are no appearances for them or that in the database.